Why do Biologists Need to Understand Chemistry?

Video 1:
The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry

Learning Objective:
Gain an appreciation of the role of chemistry in the study of Biological Sciences.


The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry by Natasha Ramroop Singh and the TRU Open Press is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Citation Information

Use the information listed below to generate a citation for this video.

  • Authors: Natasha Ramroop Singh, TRU Open Press
  • Publisher: TRU Open Press
  • Website: Chemistry for Biologists
  • Title: The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry
  • Publication Date: March 14, 2024
  • Location: Kamloops, British Columbia
  • Video URL: https://barabus.tru.ca/media/openpress/biol1110/01.mp4
  • Page URL: https://chemistryforbiologists.trubox.ca/2024/03/14/1-the-inseparable-bond-of-biology-and-chemistry/
  • Website URL: https://chemistryforbiologists.trubox.ca/

The video transcripts are accessible for viewing and downloading below.

Video 1
Pre-video Activity 

Please attempt these questions BEFORE you watch the Video below and click “submit” when you are done

Before Video 1 – The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry

Video 1 – Learning Activity The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry

Why do biologists need to understand chemistry in the context of understanding diseases and developing treatments?
Why is knowledge of chemistry crucial for biologists in understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of biochemical reactions involved in processes like enzyme function, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and signal transduction?
Molecular composition and properties of biological macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids?
Why is an interdisciplinary approach that bridges biology and chemistry essential for addressing many biological questions and challenges, particularly in the development of pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics, and biotechnology?
Why is it essential for biologists to have a solid understanding of chemistry?
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Video 1

Now that you have looked at the video, and you understand everything that was explained, please attempt these same questions again to track your learning progress! Click “submit” when you are done

After Video 1 – The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry

Video 1 – Learning Activity The Inseparable Bond of Biology and Chemistry

Molecular composition and properties of biological macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids?
Why is it essential for biologists to have a solid understanding of chemistry?
Why is knowledge of chemistry crucial for biologists in understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of biochemical reactions involved in processes like enzyme function, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and signal transduction?
Why is an interdisciplinary approach that bridges biology and chemistry essential for addressing many biological questions and challenges, particularly in the development of pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics, and biotechnology?
Why do biologists need to understand chemistry in the context of understanding diseases and developing treatments?
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Additional Learning Activity